
Parish Centre Gerliswil
Completion in March 2024
Tec21 18/2024

Project 4VIERTEL Seetalplatz Emmen
Completion end of 2023
Quartier News 01

Heilpädagogisches Zentrum
Innerschwyz HZI
Building of the week on Swiss Architects
- Wood-blog of Lignum

Apartment Building Schädrütihalde Luzern
project status execution
photo construction site

Retirement centre Nägeligasse Stans
project status execution
Webcam construction site

WATA World Architecture Award
Living Collective Housing - winner
Haus für 4 Freunde, Barcelona

Residential building Barcelona
AV Monografias 223-224
Prix AMO 2020/21 - publication


Lussi Studio SL Barcelona

Lussi + Partner AG
Neustadtstrasse 3
CH-6003 Luzern
T ++41 (0)41 228 20 30

Dreilinden school Propsteimatte in Lucerne

The court buildings in Lucerne have been further extended through the construction of another self-contained building on Kapuzinerweg, designed in the style of the court church, priory or seminary. The exposed concrete surfaces are composed of overhanging, smooth, relief-like concrete elements modelled in the style of the dry-stone walls on the court church. The hillside relief is marked by terraces with meter-high walls and hedges in front.

Building costs
CHF 18 Mio.
Competition by invitation, 1st place
Building phase
Building owner

Kaufmännischer Verband Luzern

Franz Rindlisbacher

Brigitte Bossardt

Astrid Kartmann

Fabian Kaufmann


Construction supervision: Christoph Weibel Buchrain

Specialist planner

Robert Gissinger dipl. landscape architect BSLA, Luzern


Lussi+Halter Architekten