
Parish Centre Gerliswil
Completion 2024
on Swiss architects 27.01.2025

Veterinary clinic Obergrund Luzern
Completion 2024


Heilpädagogisches Zentrum
Innerschwyz HZI
Building of the week on Swiss Architects
- Wood-blog of Lignum

Retirement centre Nägeligasse Stans
project status execution
Webcam construction site

WATA World Architecture Award
Living Collective Housing - winner
Haus für 4 Freunde, Barcelona

Residential building Barcelona
AV Monografias 223-224
Prix AMO 2020/21 - publication


Lussi Studio SL Barcelona

Lussi + Partner AG
Neustadtstrasse 3
CH-6003 Luzern
T ++41 (0)41 228 20 30

'Moschti' development St.Erhard

The new residential buildings evoke St. Erhard's industrial history with their formal and structural references to the existing fruit press plants. Existing materials have been newly interpreted and reused on both the façade and interior to preserve the industrial charm. The iconic saw-tooth roofs recall the image of the former industrial halls, while the special penthouse apartments also stand out for their loft-like feel thanks to their elevated position and additional light. The buildings are covered in a delicate robe of sophisticated sheet metal cladding, creating elegant hues and shadows that produce a graceful and refined look. The planned project aims to bring the town's industrial history back to life. 

Study by invitation, 1st place
Building phase
Building owner

Pensionskasse pro, Baar represented by Tellco Vorsorge AG, Baar

Renderings: Studio 12 Luzern and Lussi+Partner

Julia Meierhans

Marco Thürig

Claudia Bertele

Magdalena Steiger

Lukas Steiner


Carmen Lorente Sangros, artist, Luzern

Specialist planner

Landscape architecture: koepflipartner GmbH, Luzern

Site management: BPW Bau & Projekte, Neuenkirch

Civil engineer: Wismer + Partner AG, Sursee

HLKSE Engineer: Lanowa AG, Hohenrain