
Parish Centre Gerliswil
Completion in March 2024

Project 4VIERTEL Seetalplatz Emmen
Completion end of 2023
Quartier News 01

Heilpädagogisches Zentrum
Innerschwyz HZI
Building of the week on Swiss Architects
- Wood-blog of Lignum

Apartment Building Schädrütihalde Luzern
project status execution
photo construction site

Retirement centre Nägeligasse Stans
project status execution
Webcam construction site

WATA World Architecture Award
Living Collective Housing - winner
Haus für 4 Freunde, Barcelona

Residential building Barcelona
AV Monografias 223-224
Prix AMO 2020/21 - publication


Lussi Studio SL Barcelona

Lussi + Partner AG
Neustadtstrasse 3
CH-6003 Luzern
T ++41 (0)41 228 20 30

Renovation Villa Hochfluh Obere Bergstrasse Luzern

Villa Hochfluh is a multi-storey villa built by architect Johann Bucher in 1912. The sleek structure with various ornaments is a fitting example of the eclectic style of the time. The villa is still in its original condition for the most part and so underwent a thorough but non-invasive renovation to bring it up to date with modern needs. The work included installing new electrical, heating and ventilation systems, upgrading all the bathroom units, the kitchen and a conservatory with a bathroom unit on the ground floor, and revamping the parquet flooring. The surfaces on the façade were maintained and renovated. The building was given a new roof with new insulation.

direct commission
Building phase
Building owner

Eberli Sarnen AG

Philipp Schnidli

Aldo Casanova

